Brown's Journal

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Location: Wake Forest, North Carolina, United States

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Memorial Day

It is hard to tell one Memorial Day from another except that some of the speakers are different.  The crowd this year seemed especially happy and grateful to be in the presence of veterans from World II, Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan.  Dr. David Lanier always comes dressed as a Civil War Veteran and has interesting stories and songs to share.

Jon Blake was the veteran from Afghanistan.  When he finished his speech, I ran over to meet him and ask if he knew my nephew, Tim Holmsley.  Low and behold, he did and had served with him there.  This was truly a serendipity meeting.

There were eight World II veterans.   The four Price brothers served in different branches of the service and in different theaters of the war.  They have many stories to tell.
Of, course, Bill Brown, Bill Henderson, Buck Bunn and Art Burry were the repeats that everyone looks forward to seeing and hearing from.

Claudia and Heidi Daming sold ice cream and made a good profit.
Doug Philips was a guest speaker. He gave many interesting insights into the life of George Washington.

Father Daughter Retreat

Sixty fathers and daughters gathered for the father/daughter retreat last week-end  It was a combination of learning the pillars of woman-hood to shooting down clay pigeons labled with ideas that need to be excluded from our actions and minds. 

Then there was tea time in the barn.  The old handkerchiefs in the tea cups were the favors.  Deborah and her helpers always do a beautiful job with the food and the decorations.
The twelve pillars of womanhood discussed were:
  1. An Image Bearer  Genesis 1:26-27
  2. A woman not a man  Genesis 2:21-23
  3. A Disciple  Deut. 6:7
  4. A member of the church  Acts 2:42
  5. A demonstration of unfading beauty   1 Peter 3:4
  6. A helpmeet  Genesis 2:18
  7. A trustful and submissive wife   Ephesians 5:22
  8. A keeper at home   Titus 2:5
  9. A domestic entrepreneur   Proverbs 31:10-31
  10. A fruitful bearer of children  Genesis 1:28
  11. A teacher of the next generation  Ephesians  6:1-3
  12. A godly mentor  Titus 2:3-5
