Father Daughter Retreat
Sixty fathers and daughters gathered for the father/daughter retreat last week-end It was a combination of learning the pillars of woman-hood to shooting down clay pigeons labled with ideas that need to be excluded from our actions and minds.
Then there was tea time in the barn. The old handkerchiefs in the tea cups were the favors. Deborah and her helpers always do a beautiful job with the food and the decorations.
The twelve pillars of womanhood discussed were:
- An Image Bearer Genesis 1:26-27
- A woman not a man Genesis 2:21-23
- A Disciple Deut. 6:7
- A member of the church Acts 2:42
- A demonstration of unfading beauty 1 Peter 3:4
- A helpmeet Genesis 2:18
- A trustful and submissive wife Ephesians 5:22
- A keeper at home Titus 2:5
- A domestic entrepreneur Proverbs 31:10-31
- A fruitful bearer of children Genesis 1:28
- A teacher of the next generation Ephesians 6:1-3
- A godly mentor Titus 2:3-5
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